Have you noticed that most of us have no idea how to cope with loss?
Nothing prepares us for the overwhelming abundance of emotions that can have us on our knees, all alone, suffering in silence. Wondering “how can we get up from here?”
With over 40 plus loss events that can affect our lives, it’s quite surprising that there wasn’t a class. Though now it does not have to be this way.
Demystifying Loss is a detailed guide that addresses the current lack of Loss Intelligence.
This self-help healing book assists you to deep dive into many of the different types of loss events. Be it, a Loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, health, wealth, your pets. Or any of the losses that came to the forefront during the recent pandemic ~ loss of freedom, choice, identity, change in work conditions, recreational and social activities, all of which can have a massive impact on our health, quality of life and relationships.
Karen loves to say, “It’s time to get comfortable with the uncomfortable” and by the end of this book, you will know exactly how to do that.
You are holding the guide to a loving 5-Step process that will assist you to move beyond all your past loss events and then create your better everyday life.
Demystifying Loss will be your reference guide into the future, as this process ensures that no matter what loss event comes to visit, their stay will be shortened and you will very quickly move forward into Love, Joy, Happiness and Fulfillment.
Don’t you feel it’s time for you to live a life that you love and love the life you live, every second of every day?
Your Dream Life!!
After a couple of life changing events, Karen Chaston began to wake from what she likes to call her Ground Hog Day Daze. Her newfound awareness assisted her to realise that her CFO life and the life of most of her peers, was diseased. It was a dog-eat-dog world. Where all were in survival and it truly was survival of the fittest, though physically they were not fit.
Through wondering that surely there must be another way, an easier way to succeed at such a high level, the Live Love by Design brand was born.
Whether you want to have more energy, more time, improve your health, your relationships, your finances, your career and ultimately your life the Live Love Gems in this book will help you achieve it.
Each of the four live love pillars are illustrated in detail with thought provoking exercises and real world daily gems that you can implement into your daily rituals right now.
If you’ve ever wanted an easy to follow guide to living a life that you love and reaching your dreams and goals faster, it’s in your hands.
An unplanned pregnancy can be stressful, complex and a difficult situation at any age. Though what if you are a teenager, too young to understand that no matter what choice you decide upon you truly are at the cross-roads to your future life.
Every woman’s experience of an unplanned pregnancy is unique, as is the time that she lives in.
In her third book, Karen Chaston takes us on a journey into the lives and times of four teenage girls living in the late 60’s early ‘70s all who choose a different solution for their unplanned pregnancy: marriage, abortion, motherhood and adoption.
Ironically, these four choices form the anagram, M.A.M.A.
Each girl tells her story, sharing her reasons for choosing as she did. Though most importantly the wiser woman that she is now, will revisit her teenage self and give her advice on living with the consequences of the decision.
Maybe even suggesting that she may like to rethink her initial choice!!
The 21st century social attitudes may be very different, though the intention is to assist any woman, today who may be pondering over their decision in relation to their unplanned pregnancy.
Losing a loved one is never easy. When it is your child, it’s all the more difficult. Parents are not supposed to outlive their children, so most are unprepared when it happens.
A little part of you dies, along with your child. You’ll never really “get over” their passing, but you will learn to live with the loss, making it a part of who you become.
Karen Chaston share’s her three-year journey following the unexpected death of her son Dan at age 27. She shares with readers how her child’s death compelled her to rethink her priorities and re-examine the meaning of life.
Her journey is one of gratitude, laughter, love, joy, reflection and contemplation. She talks of how she honours her child, whilst also recognising the need to re-engage in life and find pleasure in new experiences.
It may seem impossible, but you can go on to find happiness and purpose in life again.
The Elements Collection Gratitude Journals are four uniquely designed hard covered journals. The first 11 eleven pages are a gold-mine of information for the novice holistic person, containing detailed information in regards to the themed element, the energy of 99 (global consciousness), the benefits of gratitude, the chakras, intention setting, and some finer points to receive the most from your daily gratitude writings.
The 99 dedicated double pages for your gratitude writings are beautifully set out. The left hand page contains; a day number, date space, themed photograph and unique gratitude quote. The right hand page is for your daily gratitude writings. The day number is a specific chakra colour, allowing you to tune into a specific chakra – seven days, seven chakras.
“Your Elements Collection Gratitude Journey will allow your perceived problems to
flow away like Water,
turning the Air you breathe into a conscious loving breath,
reigniting the Fire within,
reating your purposeful life on this Earth.”